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LIHKG is the platform currently used and discussed by Hongkongers nowadays. As there are a lot of program loopholes and inefficient of the internet speed problem in HKG, LIHKG was created for conquering the problem for the netizens, therefore, it is a derivative site from HKG, netizens then gradually moved their lair to LIHKG, achieving the site becomes the most operative and popular forum in Hong Kong, once and for all. LIHKG, therefore, is the main platform we are focusing throughout the research.


Being one of the most active and renowned Hongkongers forums, LIHKG’s localized sex culture is corresponds to our study of HK netizens, there are many active participations of netizens in adult channel, including the sex discussion in wide range of topic and categories. As the localized topics are included, local sex culture which corresponds to our study of Hong Kong netizens will be easily find in the platform. Apart from that, one of the major characteristic of LIHKG is that it provides anonymous function of the forums, encouraging the dissemination of pornography, not to mention the sexual discussions in wide range of topics or categories, including prostitution or Japanese adult video sources sharing.

Also, LIHKG is somehow a male-oriented and dominated discussion, which conveying the operation of power relations with a patriarchal spectacles in essentialistic male discussion, making a fact to lack of diversified image of female presented, benefiting them to share more photos of sexy female, this is then reinforcing the objectification of female body on the core value of female in their intelligence.

Moreover, the platform offered the anonymous system for the netizen, which implied that LIHKG can offer an opportunity for them for a temporary escape to the panopticon,
becausethereis less monitors and regulations on the accessing the taboo in daily life, making them to use the site as relieving sexual repression in reality by posting video link in discussion.


Last but not least, LIHKG is portable for usage, the platform itself provides a mobile application, which infiltrated those active users to constantly browse their posts, not only bringing convenience to them, but also letting them frequently post different topics on the site, as well as when they are using its services for discussions.



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