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Cultivation Analysis

Standardisation of AV idols

As what we have observed, the AV idols in pornography are standardised. Most of them are beautiful with exquisite facial contour such as big eyes and pointed nose. At the same time, they are whitish and young who are energetic and always portrayed as innocent. Regarding the body shape, having big breasts and firm ass are the standard of perfect.


With the ideal form of beauty among those AV idols, numerous posts seeking for these standardized beauty can be found in LIHKG. Within the posts, there are lots of erotic photos with the idealized and seductive AV idols, constructing the standardisation of women’s body shape. For example, there is a post about the voting of the best breast in LIHKG. Referring to netizens’ discussion, it is deduced that big breasts is equal to best breasts. Those AV idols with big breasts are regarded as seductive and enable to arise sexual desire.

The ideal female images from pornography, thus, construct an ideology that women who have perfect body shape are sexy and appealing. Yet, this ideology will affect audience’s perceptions of women in reality. For male audiences, having perfect body shape is the yardstick to look for their ideal girlfriend or goddess while the female audiences willconform this standard through different disciplinary projects so as to ingratiate male. Women are constantly devalued through these discussion.

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